WFP Palestine Monthly Market Dashboard – September-October 2021 – occupied Palestinian territory
Summary The monthly market dashboard presents price trends for the staple commodities and cash crops
The monthly market dashboard presents price trends for the staple commodities and cash crops that are the most consumed by Palestinians.
In the West Bank, in October the prices of wheat flour and lentils increased by 5.4% and 15.8% respectively compared with September prices. Chickpeas and vegetable oil prices increased by 7.8% and 4.5% respectively. Tomato prices experienced the highest increase by 31.0% in September compared to August and reached NIS 6.16 per Kg., while potato prices decreased by 2.9% in September compared to August.
In the Gaza Strip, wheat flour, lentils, and potato prices increased in September compared to August. Tomato prices – NIS 3.38 – decreased by 18.8% compared to August, but remained significantly more expensive than average prices and are 42.7% higher than September 2020 prices.
The prices of tomatoes are expected to stabilize after the transition period between seasons when the supply of tomatoes will increase.
Excellent gasoline 95, one of the most-used fuels in Palestine, increased slightly by 1.4% in October compared to September and increased by 17.1% compared to the same month of 2020 and reached NIS 6.23 per liter.
The average value of WFP rations increased by 5.65% in October compared to the previous month due to the increase in the staple commodities price.
The Consumer Price Index (inflation rate) and Food CPI increased compared to August by 0.4% and 1.6% respectively. Also, CPI and Food CPI increased compared to September 2020 by 1.7%, and 3.8% respectively.
The next pages of this dashboard visualize these trends.