Month: June 2021

Pesepakbola Gareth Bale Goodbye ke Supercar, Volvo-Northvolt Berkolaborasi – Gareth Bale, sepak bola, Audi Q7, cedera, supercar, baterai mobil listrik, Volvo, Northvolt, misa kucing, gilas mobil, Filipina, helm sepeda motor, serta spion sepeda motor menjadi highlight dari lima artikel rekomendasi kanal otomotif pagi ini. Materinya dipetik dari tayangan sepanjang hari kemarin, mulai pagi hingga menjelang dini hari.

Pesepakbola kesebelasan Real Madrid, Gareth Bale mesti say goodbye kepada supercar. Lelaki asal Wales mantan pemain Tottenham Hotspur ini rupanya mengalami cedera yang sulit pulih bila masih doyan menggunakan tunggangan model tertentu. Pilihannya kini adalah tipe SUV, yaitu Audi Q7.

Pemerintah Filipina di bawah pemerintahan Presiden Rodrigo Duterte bertindak

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Oeps, een lekke band: onze expert legt uit hoe je die kan he…

 ©  Wim Daneels

De fietstoerist

Zo, en dan is het tijd voor fietsvakantie. Maar fietsbanden en fietswielen zijn wonderlijke wezens. Ze dragen ons gewicht en de ondergrond is niet altijd even biljartvlak of clean. Lek rijden is dus niet uitgesloten. Raf Laurencin, lid van onze Bicycle Board, geeft alvast enkele tips voor onderweg. Eén gouden raad: probeer het alvast vooraf eens thuis.

Guy Fransen

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Why pushy car salesmen are biting the dust

Last weekend, I headed to the mall to shop for some lipstick, a pair of black pumps and, while I was at it, a new car.

These days, Westfield London, an urban mall, is one of the hottest places around for those in an automotive frame of mind. Sprinkled among shops selling Tag Heuer watches, Tiffany’s jewellery and Apple iPhones are outposts of five different car brands including Tesla and Polestar, Volvo’s electric-only marque.

The contrast between the first UK outlet of Genesis, the high-end arm of South Korea’s Hyundai, and the suburban dealership where I bought my first car

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It’s a new era: Ferrari 296 GTB powered by V6 engine with 122kW electric motor

• Ferrari unveiled the 296 GTB, its new mid-rear-engined berlinetta sports car.

• The new Ferrari V6 hybrid powertrain is capable of delivering up to 610kW.

• The 296 GTB is also available with the extreme high-performance Assetto Fiorano package.

For more motoring stories, go to Wheels24

Ferrari flipped the script with the unveiling of its latest sports car. Called the 296 GTB, the car is the next chapter in the Prancing Horse’s history as it is the first mid-rear-engined two-seater to be powered by a six-cylinder petrol engine. Yes, a six-cylinder!

The engine supplements the familiar V8 and

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Simak Cara Memasang Kamera 360 di Mobil Beserta Kisaran Harganya

Seiring berkembangnya zaman mobil keluaran terbaru dibekali dengan fitur canggih, salah satunya kamera 360. Fitur ini umumnya ada di mobil menengah ke atas tapi bisa juga untuk mobil apapun.

Asalkan memenuhi syarat dan mau mengeluarkan uang lebih, mobil tua sekalipun bisa pakai kamera 360.

Berapa biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk memasang kamera 360?

Apa Itu Fitur Kamera 360?

Dalam 5 tahun terakhir banyak perusahaan otomotif yang mulai memperkenalkan fitur ini sebagai salah satu unggulan. Bisa dibilang di Indonesia fitur ini masih belum familiar, lantaran tidak semua orang tahu cara kerja dan cara pakainya.

Mobil produksi massal yang pertama kali memakai

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Komplotan Pencuri Velg dan Ban Mobil Teror Denpasar

Aksi pencurian velg dan ban mobil di Kota Denpasar kian merajalela. Pelaku menyasar mobil yang parkir di pinggir jalan.

Setidaknya ada dua kejadian yang viral di berbagai media sosial, yakni di Jalan Tukad Badung XXI Nomor 6X Renon, Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan dan di Jalan Tukad Batanghari, Panjer, Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan pada Sabtu (19/6) dan Minggu (20/6).

Beredar informasi di medsos bahwa pencurian velg dan ban mobil Toyota Agya di Jalan Tukad Batanghari sempat terekam kamera CCTV warga. Dalam rekaman nampak komplotan yang berjumlah lebih dari satu orang datang ke lokasi dengan menggunakan mobil warna putih. Selanjutnya, komplotan ini
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Historic North Shore Line train car restored for service; see it in person starting Sunday | Local News

Volvo to Go All-Electric and Sell Cars Exclusively Online by 2030. The automaker made the announcement on March 2. There is no long-term future for cars with an internal combustion engine, Henrik Green, chief technology officer, via statement. We are firmly committed to becoming an electric-only car maker and the transition should happen by 2030, Henrik Green, chief technology officer, via statement. Though dealerships will remain, they will be repurposed for deliveries, service and test drives. All sales will be made online, whether the customer makes the purchase at home or at a showroom. Retailers will be critical to

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Auto-Action: Die 10 besten Auto-Filme auf Amazon Prime

Nur noch 60 Sekunden (2000)

Action-Ikone Nicolas Cage und Hau-drauf-Amazone Angelina Jolie gemeinsam in einem Film?! Da kann das Ergebnis nur fetzig werden: Cage gibt den genialen Autodieb Memphis Raines, der 50 Luxusklasse-Schlitten in nur vier Tagen stehlen muss, da ansonsten sein kleiner Bruder (Giovanni Ribisi) ermordet wird. Unterstützung bekommt er dabei von einer blonden Angelina Jolie.

Ganz ehrlich: Es ist nicht die Story, die “Nur noch 60 Sekunden” sehenswert macht, auch wenn sie durchaus spannend ist. Legendär ist vielmehr die große Menge an Fahrzeugen, die wir zu sehen bekommen, nämlich tatsächlich 50 an der Zahl. Die Autos, die Raines

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County COVID-19 dashboard drops tiered status

As of Thursday morning, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Nevada County had reached 4,869. There are 27 new cases since Thursday, June 10, indicating a 1% increase.

Of the 4,869 total cases, 4,742 have been released from isolation and 79 are presently active. Nevada County has had 75 deaths due to the coronavirus, with no deaths in the last 10 weeks.

As of Thursday, 92,900 doses have been administered to Nevada County residents, according to the state’s COVID-19 Dashboard. Over 40% of the county, or 43,543 people, are fully vaccinated.


As of Thursday morning, Placer

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V6 engines in cars going away: Automakers discontinue 6-cylinder cars

These days, there are fewer and fewer cars. And fewer and fewer hefty engines in them.

As automakers increasingly discontinue passenger cars in favor of SUVs and pickups, they’re also moving away from the once-standard six-cylinder engine, also known to many as the V6 because of its shape.

In its place is the formerly dreaded four-cylinder engine, which is shedding its previously sluggish reputation after incorporating new technologies that improve its performance while maintaining respectable fuel economy.

In fact, only one midsize car that isn’t a luxury model still comes with a V6 enginel – the Toyota Camry – according

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