
Hati-Hati, Berikut Ini Penyebab Ban Sepeda Motor Sering Bocor

AKURAT.CO Salah satu masalah yang sering dialami oleh pengendara sepeda motor ialah kebocoran pada ban. Termasuk bocor halus. Kondisi ini biasanya tidak disadari oleh pengendara karena kebocoran halus ini tidak langsung dirasakan. 

Biasanya, pengendara baru sadar saat ban dalam kondisi penuh angin, tiba-tiba kempes begitu saat dibawa ke perjalanan cukup jauh. Bahkan kebocoran tersebut bisa terjadi sewaktu-waktu tanpa sebab yang pasti,  sehingga tanpa sepengetahuan pengendara, tiba-tiba ban motor kempes begitu saja. 

Biasanya ban motor yang sering kempes atau mendadak bocor dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Sayangnya, tidak sedikit yang menganggap bahwa ban yang sering mendadak kembes merupakan hal yang biasa. Padahal,

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COP26: Deal to end car emissions by 2040 idles as motor giants refuse to sign

A global deal to eliminate new car emissions by 2040 is struggling to attract support from the world’s largest carmakers and governments including the US and China, days before it is due to be revealed at the COP26 climate summit.

Volkswagen has said it would not sign the deal while Toyota is still debating but is highly unlikely to agree, citing the reluctance of key governments to join the agreement, according to people close to the negotiations. The two companies are the world’s largest carmakers.

BMW confirmed it would also not sign the deal, saying: “There remains considerable uncertainty about

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Harga Ban Sepeda Motor Matik, Jangan Salah Cek Ring Velg ya : Okezone Otomotif

JAKARTA – Penggunaan sepeda motor matik saat ini menjadi salah satu favorit masyarakat di Indonesia.

Sepeda motor model skutik merupakan pilihan yang tepat karena cukup mudah digunakan. Tinggal memuntir gas untuk jalan dan menekan rem untuk berhenti.

Namun demikian, pengendara juga harus memperhatikan kondisi ban sepeda motor matiknya, apakah masih layak jalan.

Saat ini terdapat beberapa merek ban sepeda motor matik yang bisa menjadi pilihan, sepert IRC, Corsa, FDR, Dunlop dan lainnya.


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Berikut beberapa pilihan merek dan kisaran harga ban dirangkum

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Motor Jadul Pakai Velg Super Mahal Ini, Netizen: Sultan Supra Nih

Motor jadul pakai velg super mahal. (instagram/ – Video yang viral di Instagram belum lama ini sukses membuat netizen melongo. Dalam video tersebut, netizen dibuat salah fokus dengan bagian motor jadul yang ternyata biasanya dijual dengan harga fantastis.

Unggahan mengenai video motor jadul pakai velg super mahal ini diunggah oleh akun dan menjadi viral di Instagram pada Senin (4/10/2021) lalu.

Harta karun” tulis caption unggahan

Terlihat dalam video yang diunggah, seorang netizen nampak merekam sebuah sepeda motor di sebuah parkiran. Bikin salah fokus, mata netizen ini lalu tertuju pada velg yang digunakan motor tersebut.


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The battle for Motor City: why Ford chose Tennessee for its electric factory

Cotton and soyabeans grow in the west Tennessee fields where, in four years, Ford Motor plans to manufacture electric trucks.

Last month Ford and its partner SK Innovation said they would invest $11bn to construct an electric vehicle assembly plant, battery factory and supplier park on the farmland 50 miles north-east of Memphis, plus two battery plants in neighbouring Kentucky.

The billions of dollars to be invested highlight the economic stakes for communities as the automotive industry commits to massive spending to switch away from assembling petrol-power vehicles.

US towns, states and regions are vying to lure new electric vehicle

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Cara Memperbaiki Velg Motor yang Bengkok, Ini Langkah Mudahnya!

Cara memperbaiki velg motor yang bengkok ternyata tidak serumit bayangan Anda. Bagi para pengguna kendaraan roda dua, kemungkinan sering mengalami permasalahan yang satu ini.

Baca juga: Cara Menghilangkan Karat pada Velg Motor dengan Bahan Sederhana

Tidak hanya sebatas bengkok, bahkan terkadang ada juga yang sampai penyok dan retak. Tentunya saat di kondisi ini, membutuhkan perawatan khusus sekaligus perbaikan agar velg kembali bagus.

Nah, di pembahasan kali ini kami akan mengupas tentang penyebab dan bagaimana perbaikan untuk velg yang penyok atau retak.

Inilah Cara Memperbaiki Velg Motor yang Bengkok dan Penyebabnya

Secara umum kendaraan roda dua mempunyai 2 jenis velg, yakni

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BMW iX5 Hydrogen car breaks cover at Munich Motor Show

Last updated on
Sep 07, 2021, 12:40 pm

BMW has revealed its iX5 Hydrogen SAV

BMW has showcased its iX5 Hydrogen car at the Munich Motor Show and is using it as a shuttle vehicle there. The company is calling it a Sports Activity Vehicle (SAV).

The four-wheeler looks similar to the X5 M model and has an upmarket cabin. It uses hydrogen fuel cell technology and can deliver up to 374hp of power.

Here are more details.

The car has a blue-accented kidney grille and 22-inch wheels

The car has a blue-accented kidney grille and 22-inch wheels

The BMW iX5 Hydrogen has a lengthy bonnet, a large kidney grille

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Hyundai Motor vows to make hydrogen cars as cheap as EVs

Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Chung Euisun announces his 2040 hydrogen vision at the firm’s first global hydrogen event, Hydrogen Wave, Tuesday. (Hyundai Motor Group)

Hyundai Motor Group on Tuesday unveiled a new hydrogen vision that includes plans to make hydrogen vehicles as cheap as electric vehicles within 10 years.

During “Hydrogen Wave,” the automaker’s first global hydrogen event, Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Chung Euisun laid out his 20-year vision for hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen mobility.

“Hyundai Motor envisions a future society where hydrogen energy is available for everyone, everything and everywhere. I have no doubt that hydrogen will bring

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Bird Poop on Cars: The Motor MythBusters Investigate!

Why is it always right after a fresh wash, the birds come out to do their damage? You’ve just cleaned your cherished red car, then the local songbird comes along to help you redecorate—with poop. According to a study from the UK, birds prefer to poop on red cars, but the Motor MythBusters are skeptical about their science.

Bisi Ezerioha, Tory Belleci, and Faye Hadley—the Motor MythBusters team—don’t fully believe the results of the UK study for two big reasons: the study was self-reported and there was no control group. That means the researchers conducting the study called local vehicle

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J.D. PowerWhat is a Series Hybrid, and How Does it Work?These vehicles combine internal combustion engines (ICE) with electric … from a vehicle's power source (engine or electric motor) to the …20 hours ago

J.D. PowerWhat is a Series Hybrid, and How Does it Work?These vehicles combine internal combustion engines (ICE) with electric …
from a vehicle’s power source (engine or electric motor) to the …20 hours ago… Read More