COVID-19 School and Childcare Data
The purpose of this dashboard is to provide all residents and visitors with data used
The purpose of this dashboard is to provide all residents and visitors with data used to monitor and inform decisions specific to infants, children and adolescents attending childcare facilities and schools as part of Pitkin County’s COVID-19 response. All data on this page is updated every weekday at about 7PM and are subject to updates as we receive new information. More detailed descriptions of the data are located below the dashboard.
Looking for a quick summary? The top row of the dashboard contains a quick summary of the most relevant indicators. Please visit our Get Tested webpage and COVID-19 Testing Site Finder for more information on how and where testing is available in Pitkin County. Please visit our Get Vaccinated webpage for more information on how and where to get a COVID-19 vaccination.
The data displayed on this data dashboard comes from three sources.
- The COVID-19 case and outbreak data is collected by Pitkin County Public Health’s disease investigation team. COVID-19 cases and outbreaks include resident and non-resident infants, children, students, teachers, and staff who attend or work at a childcare facility or school (Preschool through 12th grade) in Pitkin County. Due to the school mask mandate, PCPH does not require quarantining for childcare and school contacts, only notification of exposure. However, should disease investigation deem the exposure risky (e.g. no or improper mask use), then unvaccinated children, students or staff may be asked to quarantine. Outbreaks are defined as 5 or more cases linked to an exposure event at a school or childcare facility.
- COVID-19 14-day percent positivity is based on CDPHE reports of all COVID-19 tests among Pitkin County childcare- and school-aged residents (0-18 years of age). Percent positivity estimates are grouped by grade using approximate ages since testing providers do not collect information about childcare or school attendance. A 14-day window was selected over a 7-day window to provide a more accurate picture of percent positivity when test results are low in some age groups.
- COVID-19 vaccination rates are displayed from CDPHE reports of all vaccinations among Pitkin County childcare- and school-aged residents (12-18 years of age). Vaccination rates are grouped by grade using approximate ages since vaccination providers do not collect information about childcare or school attendance. Vaccination rates are based on population by age 2019 projections provided by the Colorado State Demography Office. While these are the best available estimates, they are still limited and vaccination rates may reach >100% coverage.
The COVID-19 case data contained in this webpage were collected by Pitkin County Public Health and may not reflect data reported by the Colorado Department Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Testing results are displayed from CDPHE reports of all COVID-19 tests among Pitkin County student aged residents. There may be differences between CDPHE positivity estimates and those displayed on this dashboard. PCR and Antigen (rapid) test results are displayed in this dashboard while CDPHE only includes PCR results in positivity estimates. Antibody test results are not included in either CDPHE or Pitkin County positivity estimates. Vaccination rates are displayed from CDPHE reports of all vaccinations among Pitkin County student aged residents.