Month: July 2021

Cara Bedakan Velg Original Dan Replika

Velg replika harganya lebih miring.

JAKARTA — Sebagian pengguna mobil melakukan penggantian velg atas pertimbangan tertentu. Di pasaran, pengendara ditawarkan dengan velg yang harganya beragam.

Beberapa velg tertentu pun ditawarkan dengan harga puluhan juta hingga ratusan juta rupiah. Hal ini pun mendorong hadirnya velg replika yang ditawarkan dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah.

Agar pengendara dapat memilih velg dengan lebih jeli, HSR Wheel pun membagikan tips dalam membedakan velg original (ori) dan replika. Direktur Marketing HSR Wheel, Hendra Wijaya mengatakan, velg replika sendiri merupakan velg yang dihadirkan lewat duplikasi dari velg ori.

“Velg replika juga biasa disebut

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Honda, GM Say You Can’t Sell Your Lease to Someone outside the Brand

The Washington PostGetty Images

  • If your lease of a GM vehicle is coming to an end, or if you plan to get out of your lease this year, your options have just shrunk. You’re no longer able to take the best offer from anyone who’s willing to buy the car. You now have to sell it back to GM.
  • Same goes for Honda and Acura. All three automakers are changing the rules at least through the end of the year.
  • Toyota is assessing the situation for its own lessees, and Ford has had a similar policy in place for
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Penske, Cox Automotive Launch Online Used Car Sales Platform

BLOOMFIELD HILLS—Ready to buy a used car entirely online? Bloomfield Hills-based Penske Automotive Group Inc. (NYSE: PAG) and Atlanta-based Cox Automotive Inc. are ready to sell you one that way.

Officials at the two companies have announced the launch of CarShop, a fully automated technology platform to enable the online retail sale of used vehicles. The automated online buying platform, which is owned exclusively by Cox Automotive, allows consumers to select from high-quality, preowned vehicles through PAG’s U.S. CarShop used vehicle SuperCenters and franchised dealerships.

Cox Automotive’s patent-pending artificial intelligence retail technology, Esntial Commerce, powers CarShop’s U.S. digital platform

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Data dashboard: Traffic in town is back to 2019 levels

Aspen Journalism is compiling a data dashboard highlighting metrics of local public interest, updated at least every Friday. Check back for updates as we add more features.

Traffic in town dropped in 2020 but is now catching up

When the ski lifts shut down in mid-March 2020, the city of Aspen recorded a significant drop in traffic at the intersection of Highway 82 and Cemetery Lane, located at the entrance of town, from an average of 15,501 per day in March 2020 to 8,462 in April 2020. But this year, the daily average for the months of March through June

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Κατασκευή eshop

Κατασκευή eshop με την αισθητική που σας ταιριάζει. Εντυπωσιακοί ιστότοποι ηλεκτρονικού εμπορίου που διαχειρίζεστε γρήγορα και εύκολα. 

Η εταιρεία μας αναλαμβάνει την κατασκευή eshop σας με γνώμονα την ανέλιξη της επιχείρησής σας στον ψηφιακό κόσμο σε ευέλικτες τιμές. Η σύνθεση του eshop σας από την εξειδικευμένη ομάδα μας προωθεί την επιχείρησή σας στον ανταγωνιστικό χώρο αγορών.

Πολλές έρευνες και τα παγκόσμια στατιστικά στοιχεία δείχνουν ότι κανένα φυσικό κατάστημα δεν μπορεί να ανταγωνιστεί ένα ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα. Και οι λόγοι είναι πολλοί!

  • Το κόστος κατασκευής ενός eshop είναι πολύ χαμηλότερο από το άνοιγμα ενός φυσικού καταστήματος
  • Ο χρόνος κατασκευής ενός eshop είναι
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Sebelum Pilih Velg Ori atau Replika, Perhatikan Dulu Perbedaannya

JAKARTA, Carvaganza – Modifikasi merupakan gaya hidup dunia otomotif yang hampir tidak bisa dipisahkan dari industrinya itu sendiri. Kebutuhan membuat tunggangan tampil semakin kece melahirkan industri tersendiri untuk memberikan ragam pilihan kepada konsumen. Tapi meski dimanjakan dengan sangat banyaknya pilihan, tetap kita harus pintar memilih barang dengan kualitas baik juga.

Seperti saat kita hendak memodifikasi velg mobil. Sekarang ini tersedia banyak sekali pilihan menarik untuk bisa kita pasang ke mobil kesayangan, baik dari merek maupun desain. Walau begitu, kita harus cermat menentukan velg yang akan dipasang, khususnya untuk keasliannya. Karena sekarang juga banyak beredar velg replika yang ditawarkan dengan

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Smile! You May Be on a Dashboard Cam | Hudson Cook, LLP

By now, most dealers are aware of the need to safeguard data stored in in-car tech. Just like it’s important to remember that cars can store data, it’s also important to remember that cars can record data. The ability of cars to record data is perhaps nowhere as sensitive as in the case of dashboard cameras, which can record both video and audio, including when a car is in your service bay.

When you operate a vehicle servicing operation, you have responsibilities to protect your dealership, your employees, and your customers. When a car pulls in for servicing, a dashcam

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DEAR CAR TALK: When my sister and I shop, we save time by having lunch in the car. When she drives, if it is winter or summer, she will leave the car running for the half hour we eat, so she can run the heat or air conditioning. When I drive, I think that practice is not good for the car, so we suffer with the motor off.

Is it acceptable to idle the car so we are comfortable? Thank you. — Annette

DEAR READER: Idling doesn’t harm the car at all. If your sister starts idling near the mall,

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Spesifikasi dan Harga Kawasaki H2, Motor Sport Sangar

Dilengkapi supercharger , spesifikasi Kawasaki H2 jelas sangat spesial, maka tak heran harga yang ditawarkan oleh produsen ke konsumen cukup tinggi.

Tenaga sepeda motor ini berani diadu dengan tunggangan para pembalap MotoGP. Tentu Kawasaki H2 sangat menggiurkan bagi bikers yang haus kecepatan dan berkantong tebal.

(Foto: Kawasaki)

Kawasaki dikenal sebagai brand otomotif yang sangat berorientasi pada performa. Ada kalanya pabrikan yang bermarkas di Tokyo ini berkeinginan membuat sepeda motor dengan mesin 1.000cc yang bisa menghasilkan tenaga hingga 300 Hp.

Sebagai pembanding, mayoritas sepeda motor yang digunakan dalam balap MotoGP punya tenaga 250 Hp.

Tak kalah penting adalah sepeda motor tersebut

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Europe’s Zero-Emission Proposal Ends New Gas, Diesel Car Sales In 2035

We recently heard rumors about an aggressive proposal in the works from the European Commission regarding CO2 emissions. Now, that proposal is realized in an official announcement from the group that would cover all 27 nations of the European Union. It’s a sweeping plan that covers everything from renewable energy sources to renovating buildings for a greener future, but our focus is on the plan to cut new car combustion engine sales by 2035.

In short, the proposal amps up the timeframe for reducing carbon emissions in the region. The plan is to reduce overall emissions by 55 percent in

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