Brand new mama cat rescued after getting stuck in car engine in Chandler | Critter Corner
Arizona Humane Society techs rescue a mother cat who found herself stuck in a car
Arizona Humane Society techs rescue a mother cat who found herself stuck in a car engine in Chandler. (Video source: Arizona Humane Society)
CHANDLER, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) – There’s a first time for everything! And for one staffer at the Arizona Humane Society, it was her first time rescuing a cat from a car engine.
Sydney is one of the newest Emergency Animal Medical Technicians with AHS, and she found herself elbow-deep in her job right away. A mama cat, who had just had a littler of kittens, found herself stuck in the engine of a car in Chandler earlier this month.
The newborn kittens waited anxiously nearby to see what would happen with mom.
Sydney went right to work, using canned food and sweet words to coax the cat to come to her. Soon, Sydney was able to free the mama cat and scoop her out to safety.
The two-year-old cat was reunited with her babies and immediately began feeding them on the Pet Ambulance before being transported to AHS for evaluation. Vets there gave the whole feline family a clean bill of health. They’re now being cared for by a foster family until they’re old enough for adoption.
Cats get stuck in car engines more often than you might think. Just a few months ago, we brought you the story of Cindy Lou Who, a 2-year-old Maine Coon who found herself in a similar predicament in Phoenix.
It took three hours for the Arizona Humane Society to perform a complicated rescue to free her.
AHS teams rescued more than 6,000 sick and injured pets last year alone. For more information about the Arizona Humane Society, visit
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